Sales Gauge 360: Virtual Sales Training

Empower your sales team with 360 degrees of sales training.

With sales teams working remotely more now than ever before, sales leaders are facing new challenges when it comes to keeping up with sales training. Whether it be training new sales reps or ensuring veteran reps are given the opportunity to tune up their skills, providing efficient, effective, and consistent training remains key to staying competitive and winning deals.

In response to this we designed the Sales Gauge 360 Program to provide sales professionals a solution, addressing the unique challenges associated with training a remote team. Our virtual 360 program includes:

  • eLearning with AI Co-Pilot Email Generator

  • Interactive hands-on instruction

  • Live coaching during real-time prospect outreach

  • Guidance on creating a continual sales training program

Prospect outreach during the training is resulting in an average response rate of 12-14%. At the end of the program, you’re not only left with well-trained sales reps, but also new sales opportunities and a sales training program you can use to train new hires effectively and cost-efficiently.

We understand that all sales teams have unique needs, which is why our training program is customizable. Each aspect of our 360 program is also a standalone training offering.

Interested in how Sales Gauge 360 Virtual Sales Training Program can impact your sales reps’ sales skills? Contact us to learn more. We’re so confident in our program, we offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Sales Gauge has been instrumental in initiating the hunting transformation of our teams. Using their eLearning and combining it with live virtual sessions that included researching executives and live phone coaching, they made an immediate impact on getting executive meetings. In one case, the CEO of one of the big 3 responded personally to our BDR and gave a referral to the correct member of his team for a meeting. This provided our team with the confidence to call high to prospects and tell our amazing story.
— Director of Sales Enablement, Cyber Security Software Company

Do you have questions about Sales Gauge 360 Virtual Sales Training? Contact